Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Kristy tagged me so I am supposed to tell 6 things about myself. gee whiz. which secrets do I want to expose?

1. I have written three songs that are published and in a time capsule to be opened in 2051.

2. I shot at a squirrel one time and hit it in the balls. had to shoot 5 more times to put it out of its misery. Talk about clinging to a limb!

3. I haven't smoked a cigarette in over 15 months, I smoked for 47 years.

4. I picked 15 gallons of blackberries the summer I was 10. I haven't eaten one since.

5. I DJ'd in a night club for 15 years.

6. I come from a long line of survivors. My grandfather lived to be 108 yrs old. My Mother 97.

now what? I'm just waiting for a visit from my cyber friend.

1 comment:

Kristy said...

Oh Pollye, I just love you so much. Like a sister. Not like anything else. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
rofl @ the squirrel story. Poor squirrel, poor you. We sure share the love of music, but you are the talented one there. One day I hope to hear you play and sing. Too bad about the overdose of blackberries. You know how I feel about them ; ) And you never said a word this summer when I was going all rhapsodic about them! Your fingers must have been so beat up