Everything stops for Deer Season in Oklahoma. At least in our county. School is out all week. All things hunting are on sale and everyone is in camouflage.
I had barely gotten home when Caden ran in saying "Get your camera" he thought he saw a comet falling. This picture does not do it justice because the sun was shining thru it but after further investigation we decided it was a plane.
I will start by showing you our resident deer. I have no idea who put the colar on it or when but for over two years this little lady has been coming by to see us. The dogs don't even bark at her now. She seemed quite pleased to pose for this picture.
I got a red lense for my camera. Why, you ask?, because they had one at the camera shop and I wanted to see what I could do with it. Makes the fire look hot. Speaking of which. Gramps was working on making a fire ring for camp when I got home. He finished it and Caden and I helped him move it to his camp. It works really good and we spent a few hours around the camp fire this last week.
I had to get dressed in orange to go to the creek for pictures this week. Did not want some idiot to mistake me for an animal and shot at me. This is Buck Creek. It runs through the middle of our property. The water is barely running now. In the summer its almost drys up except for a couple of deep holes. In the spring and winter it runs and with alot of rain it gets out of the bank.